August 2019 Volume 1, Issue 4
ARMC Tobacco Cessation Department
NEW-LUNG Newsletter
Zaira & Lizette tabling.
June 2019 - On July 27, NEW-LUNG Tobacco Cessation Specialists, Zaira and Vanessa, along Lizette, a Tobacco Use and Prevention (TUPP) intern, attended the Anaheim Union High School District (AUHSD) Back-to-School outreach fair.
The fair was hosted by AUHSD and the Time to Give Back Foundation for students from low-income families. This event provided families the opportunity to prepare for the back-toschool season. River Church gave free haircuts to kids and Serve the People Community Health Center offered free eye exams and glasses. Families went home with backpacks full of school supplies provided by ICNA Relief.
Zaira and Vanessa of NEW-LUNG provided two attendees with smoking cessation services and free nicotine patches. They also educated kids on the dangers and effects of smoking using Mr. Gross Mouth and other educational displays. It is crucial that we teach kids about the effects of smoking since they are the most vulnerable to the adverse smoking effects.
In January, we helped 302 people quit smoking!
302 Adults Served
65 Youths Served
2 Health Fairs Attended
Upcoming Classes
Fountain Valley Regional Hospital
11250 Warner Ave., Fountain Valley
E. Tower Oncology Library - 4th Floor
September 3 & 10
Anaheim Regional Medical Center
1211 W. La Palma Ave., Anaheim MOB Basement - Classroom A September 4 & 11
St. Joseph Heritage
955 W. Imperial Hwy. Room 220
September 9 & 16
Calendar Highlights
August is:
National Immunization Awareness Month
National Breastfeeding Month
National Eye Exam Month
Quit Tip: Changing Routines
Try brushing your teeth after a meal instead of reaching for
It’s Not Cuul to Juul in Schuul
July 2019 - A 22-year-old, Maxwell Berger, from Connecticut had a two-pod-aday Juul habit, which resulted in a devastating stroke. Berger developed his vaping habit during his high school senior year, and within weeks, he was excusing himself from class to sneak Juul hits in the bathroom. He averaged about one hit per 10 minutes. Berger suffered a massive memorizing stroke, which required 3 major brain surgeries, not to mention paralysis on his entire left side, a speech impediment, and a 50% vision loss in both eyes.
Berger and his lawyers are suing Juul on the charges of fraudulent concealment and intentional misrepresentation of the product and its risks and negligence of promoting and selling to young people. They are seeking monetary damages from Juul and lawyers hope the lawsuit can get the word out about the dangers of this product. Berger’s lawsuit is the biggest allegation (so far) of medical harm against Juul. He is one of the many teenagers who have fallen victim to Juuls marketing.
Juul is currently defending against seven federal lawsuits across America. “The teen vaping was by design, not accident,” Berger’s lawsuit states regarding Juul’s marketing strategy and exploiting FDA loopholes. The company previously stated that one Juul refill pod is equal to 20 cigarettes worth of nicotine; however, they have since removed that information from their website.
Source: “Teen’s Two-Pod A Day Juul Addiction Caused Massive Stroke, Lawsuit Says.” Forbes. 18 July 2019. N.p. Web. 31 July 2019.
Staff Spotlight
Meet Zaira Ramirez
Spanish Tobacco Cessation Specialist
I started working for NEW-LUNG as an intern, then went full-time. Being here is along the lines of my dream job. I want to educate people and give them the tools to increase their quality of life, starting with their health.
Before NEW-LUNG, I was a health educator at CSULB, educating students by eliminating stigma and clarifying misconceptions about sexual health, which were my favorite topics. I can talk about these things forever: sexual health and Selena Quintanilla. Oh, and fitness. I’m super disciplined when it comes to maintaining my health and working out. I think I get it from my dad since he wakes up at 6 am every day, no excuses. He taught me how to value life and appreciate the smaller things.
The cherry-on-top of this year was getting accepted into the CSULB: Masters of Public Health program. Being at NEW-LUNG has been so fulfilling in forwarding my career. I get to work on-hands work with the people I serve. The experiences I have gained from working here has been invaluable, and I get to apply what I am learning in my graduate career. Being able to put things in practice is gratifying and special to working with NEW-LUNG.
Game On With the Anaheim Ducks and the Honda Center
On July 12, Jenny and Liz attended the Anaheim Ducks Employee Wellness Fair. The event was for Anaheim Ducks and Honda Center employees to discover the wealth of health resources available to them in Orange County. Employees had the opportunity to sign up for health insurances and grocery services.
NEW-LUNG provided education resources to the attendees. We were pleased to learn that most Ducks employees do not smoke or have been quit for years. Liz and Jenny handed resources to those who are offering their support to someone quitting. Attendees spun our tobacco wheel and answered trivia questions to win prizes for the correct answers. Thank you to Anaheim Ducks and the Honda Center for putting on your game faces.
NEW-LUNG Testimonials
“Today, I am better than yesterday because of 1-866-NEW-LUNG. The tools that NEW LUNG has equipped me with have been life-changing. . . My specialist, Vanessa, was very knowledgeable and really inspired me. She wanted me to WIN - she wanted me to quit and rooted for me. She gave me a new perspective on my story - just because my parents smoked, didn’t identify with who I was. That revelation turned the lights on for me. I got it and was ready to accomplish my goal. They have a new assessment which helped me understand the reason why I smoked.”
-Mary Shelley
In Collaboration With: Vick Azevedo AUHSD and TUPE Project Coordinator
Anaheim Union High School District (AUHSD) has partnered with NEW-LUNG since 2014 and we have been so impressed by the knowledgeable staff and with the resources and education offered by the program. The TUPE Program is all about making tobacco/nicotine undesirable, unacceptable and inaccessible. Our students have the opportunity to attend NEW-LUNG smoking/vaping cessation QUIT classes on almost every Tuesday throughout the school year within the alternative to suspension program: Pathways to Success. NEW-LUNG provides a non-judgmental, pressure-free environment giving students’ young minds the education and choice to live a smoke-free/ vape-free/nicotine-free lifestyle.
We promote throughout our schools by placing the NEW-LUNG hotline in our student agenda planners, posters on the sites themselves, and providing flyers of dates and location of upcoming Orange County QUIT classes to staff and parents. During the 2018-19 school year, NEW-LUNG served 330 students for tobacco cessation and 52 students for vape cessation within the Pathways to Success Program. We proudly partner and promote NEW-LUNG throughout our Anaheim schools and encourage students to create a tobacco free society
Please RSVP if you would like to sign up.
CALL 1-866-NEW LUNG (639-5864)
Free quit vaping classes are available.
*Must attend ALL CLASSES of 5 session class series.
Funded by the Orange County Health Care Agency/Tobacco Use Prevention Program.