Tobacco Cessation Services are available via in-person, telephone, or virtually.

We are here to provide free services for anyone in Orange County who wants to quit smoking or quit vaping. 

Our services are now available in-person! However, telephone counseling or virtual counseling via Zoom is still available, if preferred.

All services include:

  • 1-hour telephone counseling

  • Nicotine patches

  • Personalized quit plan

  • Quit kit

Now is the best time to quit in order for us to keep our lungs as healthy as they can be!  And you can do so from the comfort of your own home through telephone counseling.

As always, you can sign up for services directly on our website or look through additional resources at: https://www.1866newlung.com/free-materials

We look forward to facing all this together so Orange County can continue to breathe easy.

a couple of men hugging each other