“Today, I am better than yesterday because of 1-866-NEW-LUNG. The tools that NEW LUNG has equipped me with have been life-changing. . . My specialist, Vanessa, was very knowledgeable and really inspired me. . . She gave me a new perspective on my story - just because my parents smoked, didn’t identify with who I was. That revelation turned the lights on for me. I got it and was ready to accomplish my goal.”
— Mary Shelley || Quit date: January 2019
“...Thank you, Khoi, for your help in my quest to quit cigarette smoking. I’ve been trying to quit many times in the past without success, but this time, with Khoi’s guidance and show of compassion, I’ve kicked the habit for over 4 months now.
Quitting this nasty habit is not only for me, but my family is also extremely happy. My sons say this is the best news they’ve heard in a long time. I can finally get that life insurance that I’ve been needing.
Again, thank you for your caring professionalism and assistance. You’ve made a difference...”
— Chinh D. Tran || Quit Date: March 2019
“Nào tháng 6 ngày 25 tôi gặp anh Khoi Pham để được tư vấn về vấn để cai thuốc lá của chương trình New Lung. Tôi rất hài lòng về buổi gặp. Anh Khoi Pham rất tận tâm, nhiệt tình, và cho tôi nhiều thông tin bổ ích trong buổi gặp.”
— Thai Tran
“I enjoyed having the conversation and tools that Vanessa has given me. Very informative makes you feels good about quitting. Caren had a lot of information I could take with me. The girls are great!”
— Anonymous from The Link: Emergency Shelter
““I had a lot of support and love from Adrian and Gina to quit smoking. This was a big challenge in order to keep my wife happy and prevent health issues in the future. Thanks a lot!” ”
— Barry Patel
“I just happen to walk up to Vanessa and she informed me that she has the patch to stop smoking. She was very informative about how to stop smoking. I feel they should do this at all shelters cause this will help save a lot of lives. Keep this program up and running.”
— Anonymous from The Link: Emergency Shelter
“The New Lung cessation class was broken down in a visual and informative way. The tools and booklet provided a simple yet comprehensive plan for tobacco cessation. The instructors were friendly, helpful, and believed in the program they support! Thank you!”
— Darren McDonald
“Meeting with a good group of women in a similar place has been very helpful. They’re nonjudgemental and there’s no pressure to quit during the program. They’ve been really helpful, giving me motivation, and helping me try to quit by giving strategies to prepare during my quit journey.
When I had trouble with quitting, stress has always brought me back to cigarettes. What I like here, is they gave me good advice and tools to cope with my stress instead of turning back to cigarettes.
One thing I really like is the patches, which have been helpful in quitting. They provided me with quit kits, which have also come in handy. If these techniques worked with other people, I’m going to try it too. I really recommend this program.”
— Susan Stankis || Quit Date: March 2019
“저는 50살의 남자입니다. 담배를 끊고 싶은데 며칠이 지나면 참을수가 없어서 계속 실패를 했습니다. 그러던중에 이 프로그램을 알게되었습니다. 이 프로그램을 통해서 저는 결국 금연을 성공하게 되었습니다. 정말 감사드립니다. 특히 지나 김이 적극적으로 도와주고 친절하게 이끌어 주어서 너무나도 많은 도움이 되었습니다. 저는 주위에 다른사람들에게도 이 프로그램을 알려줄것이며, 정말 좋은 프로그램이라고 생각합니다 감사합니다. ”
— David Park
“This program is awesome! The patches work great. This program is a great start for anyone who wishes to quit the habit. If you love you, then you’ll love this program. Come help yourself to a better way of living.”
— Arin Boidford
“This lecture and program was very informative. Jenny is very clear and helpful with understanding the bad things in cigarettes. She helped me view smoking differently and I eventually want to quit smoking. The tools I have learned will help me to quit in the future.”
— Luis Munoz Jr.
“This was very informative. It made me realize what is actually in tobacco products and how much harm I’m causing to my body. The faster I quit, the faster my lungs can recover!”
— Christine Deweese
“I got the patches and they worked great. I had a hard time trying to stop smoking, but the NEW-LUNG program really helped me. Thank you!! ”
— Hilda Bodiford
“I would like to recommend this class to people interested in quitting smoking. The instructor was knowledgeable and friendly. I’m looking forward to quitting for good!”
— Kayri Kaminsky
“I think that it is great that this program exists. So many people smoke who don’t want to. Quitting is hard and can feel like you are alone or don’t have help. Thank you for providing me with information and tools to keep helping me quit.”
— Jeff Robinette
“I really enjoyed the class because it was quick and straight-to-the-point. I liked how it was interactive and tailored based on our experiences with smoking. The instructor was knowledgeable and took the time to answer all our questions. I got the impression that she really wants to help us quit if we are ready and will provide us with resources to do so. ”
— Mark Sternisha
“This program really helped me to stop smoking with support and the steps to walk through each week. I could be strong and get the progress done. So far, so good!”
— Corine Redira || Quit date: January 2019
“5 Star Review 1. Non-judgmental 2. Positive people 3. Positive re-enforcement 4. Common sense approved 5. For determined people”
— Ruth Jankowski || Quit Date: March 2019
“New Lung has given me the proper tools to cope with tobacco dependency and giving me hope to defeat the bad habit.”
— Kevin Figucras
“I am grateful for Vanessa and your program. It’s perfect timing I just got out of ICU in the hospital and have a bad heart. Thank you so much. My cardiologist will be pleased and this will help me with a better quality of living.”
— Anonymous from The Link: Emergency Shelter
“You guys are awesome. I’ve been trying to cut down on smoking for a while. This will help me along the way to quitting. Thanks. ”
— Anonymous from The Link: Emergency Shelter
“This program was awesome I am considering quitting cutting down, Caren was the bomb! I would love to hear more (via) email or phone call. My family would like it as well thank very much.”
— Andrew S.
“The class was very informative - I liked it a lot. I recommend it to anyone who is interested in quitting smoking. Without NEW-LUNG, I would not have known what chemicals were in cigarettes.”