March 2020 Volume 2, Issue 3
ARMC Tobacco Cessation Department
NEW-LUNG Newsletter
How to Grow a Happy Non-Smoker
Quitting smoking may be challenging and sometimes overwhelming. It is essential to show yourself compassion, understand yourself, and acknowledge your experiences. One way to build confidence during the quitting process is to practice the 4 C’s.
Follow these steps below for the 4 C’s when you are ready to improve your positive mindset and confidence to quit.
1) Choose - Choose to quit smoking. Want it for yourself and remind yourself why you are doing this.
Say to yourself: “I am choosing to quit smoking because I want to be a good role model for my kids.”
2) Cultivate potential - Believe you can do it. Envision your newfound lifestyle in a reality where you have succeeded.
Say to yourself: “When I am smoke-free, I will have much more time, money, and energy to spend with my kids.”
3) Change - Set a plan to achieve a smoke-free life. Follow your plan and replace the urge to smoke with something new.
Say to yourself: “After work, I will take the dog on a walk and have the kids join me.”
4) Condition - Practice your plan. Replace old smoking habits with the new non-smoking you.
Say to yourself: “I had a good walk today. I will do it again after work tomorrow.”
Want it. Believe it. Achieve it. Your thoughts affect your emotions and your emotions affect your behaviors. By changing your perspective of quitting, you will have an easier time achieving your goals and have a good time doing it.
Want more guidance on how to build a quit smoking plan? Call 1-866-NEW-LUNG to schedule to meet with a Tobacco Cessation Specialist. NEW-LUNG Specialists work with you to create a personalized quit plan to fit your lifestyle.
In February, we helped 453 people quit smoking!
245 Adults Served
127 Youths Served
Calendar Highlights
Mar. 18 - 1st Day of Persian New Year
Mar. 19 - National Certified Nurse Day
Mar. 20 - National Kick-Butts Day
Mar. 30 - National Doctors Day
Quit Tip: Replace craving words
Instead of saying to yourself, “I want to smoke,” replace “smoke” with a health-based goal or positive affirmation. So if you have a craving, say, “I want fresh air or freedom or a healthy body.”
Watch the TedxTalk
“How to Grow a Happy Non-Smoker”
Redwood City Plans Flavor Ban
Redwood City, located in San Mateo County, is looking to place restrictions on vaping and vaping products. It will join six cities in San Mateo County who are already enforcing the sales of flavored tobacco products and electronic cigarettes.
A flavored tobacco product is anything that contains nicotine or tobacco plant products (smokeless chew, cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos, vape juice, and hookah products). Tobacco products may be scented or flavored sweetly/spicy like a food or drink (including minty and mentholated flavors). Advocates of the ban state the inclusion of mint and menthol flavors will be the most successful measure in banning flavored tobacco and vape products.
Once the flavored tobacco ban goes into effect, retailers who continue selling flavored tobacco products will be subjected to hefty fines and possible suspension of their tobacco retailer license.
In June 2019, San Francisco and the greater Bay Area voted in favor of the flavor ban. The Redwood City Code Enforcement Division, along with the Environmental Health Department of San Mateo County, will be working together to enforce the ban. McCarthy, R. (2020, March 9). Redwood City eyes ban on vaping, flavored tobacco.
Source: San Mateo Daily Journal
Meet Liz Hien
Tobacco Cessation Marketing Specialist
Staff Spotlight: Liz Hien
Many of you may have heard of my name, but have not seen my face. I am the person behind the communication emails you have been receiving.
I graduated from California State University Fullerton with a degree in Communications and an Advertising concentration. I knew I wanted to focus on advertising because while most people surf through TV commercials, I actively seek and watch the commercials. I like learning the techniques retailers use to influence and motivate people’s decisions.
Having a position with NEW-LUNG has been the complete opposite from traditional advertising ideas. Instead of trying to influence people to consume, NEW-LUNG’s mission is to help people stop buying (tobacco products) and motivate them to rise above the influence of tobacco advertising.
NEW-LUNG Testimonials
In Collaboration With: Anaheim Regional Medical Center Christine Sloat, Nurse Practitioner - Board Certified
Christine Sloat is a board certified nurse practitioner at Anaheim Regional Medical Center providing treatment and evidence-based health education to patients.
Tobacco smoking increases the risk for debilitating vascular diseases such as heart attacks and stroke. The Tobacco Cessation Department provides our patients with evidence-based interventions to quit smoking.
Furthermore, the department also gives our patients the freedom of choice and possibility of controlling their risk factors for disease. In the end, the tobacco cessation department gives our patients more quality time to spend with their loved ones.
Patients are screened at admission. If a patient has smoked within a year, they are referred to the Tobacco Cessation Department via a reflex order. Otherwise, an ad hoc order “tobacco cessation consult” may be placed at any time.
Patients appreciate the fact that ARMC has Tobacco Cessation services. The free services they provide such as the 5-day counseling and nicotine patches are cornerstones in increasing compliance with the service. I would recommend TBC services to others, including my own family members.
저는 50살의 남자입니다. 담배 를 끊고 싶은데 며칠이 지나면 참을수가 없어서 계속 실패를 했습니다. 그러던중에 이 프로 그램을 알게되었습니다. 이 프 로그램을 통해서 저는 결국 금 연을 성공하게 되었습니다. 정 말 감사드립니다. 특히 지나 김이 적극적으로 도와주고 친 절하게 이끌어 주어서 너무나 도 많은 도움이 되었습니다. 저는 주위에 다른사람들에게 도 이 프로그램을 알려줄것이 며, 정말 좋은 프로그램이라고 생각합니다 감사합니다.
“I am a 50 year old man. I
wanted to quit smoking, but after a few days I couldn’t stand it and I kept failing. Then I came to know this program. Through this program, I finally quit smoking. Thank you very much. Gina Kim was especially helpful because she was very helpful and kind. I will show this program to others around me and I think it is a good program. Thank you.”
Please RSVP if you would like to sign up.
CALL 1-866-NEW LUNG (639-5864)
Free quit vaping classes are available.
*Must attend ALL CLASSES of 5 session class series.
Funded by the Orange County Health Care Agency/Tobacco Use Prevention Program.