Supporting Someone to Quit Tobacco
Do’s and Don’ts
General Hints For Friends And Family
doubt their ability to quit.
judge, nag, preach, tease, or scold.
take their grumpiness personally during their nicotine withdrawal.
respect that the person quitting tobacco is in charge.
ask the person whether they want you to ask regularly how they’re doing.
let the person know that it’s OK to talk to you whenever they need to hear encouraging words.
try to see it from their point of view.
If Your Friend Or Family Member “Slips”
Research shows that most people try to quit smoking several times before they succeed. It’s called a relapse when the person goes back to smoking regularly like they were doing before they tried to quit. If a relapse happens, think of it as practice for the time. Don’t give up your efforts to encourage and support your loved one.
assume they will start smoking again like before.
scold, tease, nag, blame, or make the person feel guilty.
remind the person how long they went without a cigarette before the slip.
help the person remember all the reasons they wanted to quit, and help them forget about the slip as soon as possible.
praise them for trying to quit, and for whatever length of time (days, weeks, or months) of not smoking.
remind them that they didn’t fail – they are learning how to quit – and you’re going to be there for them the next time.
encourage them to try again.
encourage them to learn from the attempt.
say, “It’s normal to not succeed the first few times you try to quit.”
How to Help Someone Quit Tobacco
Family and friends are an important support system for people who are trying to quit tobacco. Your constant support can be the biggest factor in helping them maintain a tobacco-free lifestyle.
Studies show that the average number of quit attempts is 30, so be patient. If they start using tobacco again, help them to think about trying to quit again.
Although you cannot make someone quit, your encouragement will be a huge source of motivation. If your loved one needs additional support, you can suggest that they call 1-866-639-5864 for FREE tobacco cessation services.
Do’s and Don’ts When Supporting Someone to Quit
DO smoke outside and always away from the person who is trying to quit.
DO keep your cigarettes, lighters, and matches out of sight. They might be triggers for the person who is trying to quit.
DO join your loved one in their effort to quit. It’s better for your health and might be easier to do with someone else who is trying to quit, too.
Adapted from American Cancer Society,
To support a friend or family member, refer them to
for FREE help in quitting tobacco